
Affordable Ranch Services for Small and Large Properties

Are you in need of ranch services but don’t know where to turn? Look no further! Our team of experienced professionals is here to help with any job, no matter the size or complexity. From livestock management to land clearing, we have the expertise to get the job done right. Plus, our services are affordable and reliable, so you can trust us to handle your ranch needs with care and efficiency.

texas ranch services

Land Clearing and Brush Removal

Our team of experts specializes in land clearing and brush removal consulting for both small and large properties. Whether you need to clear land for a new building or simply want to improve the appearance of your property, we can advise. 

Fence Installation and Repair

In addition to land clearing and brush removal, our team also offers fencing advisement services. We understand the importance of having a sturdy and reliable fence to protect your property and livestock. 

Pond and Lake Management

Our ranch services also include pond and lake management. We understand the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced aquatic ecosystem for both recreational and agricultural purposes. 

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Pasture Management and Grazing Plans

Proper pasture management and grazing plans are essential for maintaining healthy and productive livestock. Our team of experts can help you develop a customized grazing plan that takes into account factors such as soil health, forage availability, and animal nutrition needs. 

Wildlife Habitat Improvement

In addition to pasture management, our team also offers wildlife habitat improvement services. We can help you create and maintain habitats for a variety of wildlife species, including deer, turkey, quail, and more. Our experts can assess your property and develop a plan to enhance the natural habitat, including planting native vegetation, creating water sources, and implementing habitat management practices. Contact us today to learn more about our wildlife habitat improvement services.

Livestock Management

One of the most critical aspects of successful ranching is livestock management. Proper breeding, feeding, health management, and animal welfare are all essential components that contribute to the success of a ranch. For example, breeding livestock requires careful selection and monitoring of genetics to ensure healthy offspring with desirable traits. Feeding livestock requires the right balance of nutrients to keep them healthy and productive. Health management involves regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative care to keep your animals healthy and free from diseases. Animal welfare is equally crucial, ensuring that your animals are comfortable, happy, and well-cared for.

Our team of experts can provide personalized solutions for your livestock management needs. We understand that every ranch is unique, and our team will work with you to design a customized plan that fits your specific goals and requirements. 

Wildlife Management

If your ranch is home to wildlife, it’s essential to manage them effectively. Wildlife management can include population control, habitat management, and predator control. For example, if you have an overpopulation of deer or other animals, it can lead to overgrazing, crop damage, and other issues. Habitat management involves ensuring that the land is suitable for wildlife, providing food, shelter, and water sources. Predator control involves keeping predators away from your livestock to reduce the risk of loss and damage.

Our team of experts can provide customized wildlife management solutions to suit your needs. We understand that managing wildlife requires a delicate balance, and we’ll work with you to design a plan that is both effective and humane.

Soil Health

Soil health is an essential component of successful ranching. Soil testing, nutrient management, and erosion control are all crucial elements that contribute to the health of the soil. For example, soil testing can help determine what nutrients are lacking and what measures need to be taken to improve soil health. Nutrient management involves applying the right balance of fertilizers and other nutrients to keep the soil healthy and productive. Erosion control involves measures to prevent soil erosion, such as planting cover crops or implementing conservation tillage practices.

Water Management

Water is a vital resource for any ranch, and it is crucial to manage it effectively. Whether the ranch has a natural water source like a river or stream or relies on well water, water management is an essential part of your ranch.

Another important aspect of water management is irrigation systems. A well-designed irrigation system can ensure that the crops and pastures receive the right amount of water, which is essential for their growth and survival. The system should be designed based on the ranch’s specific water needs, soil type, and climate conditions. Proper irrigation systems can also help prevent soil erosion, which is beneficial for the overall health of the ranch.

Water quality testing is another crucial component of water management. The quality of the water used on a ranch can affect both the health of the animals and the quality of the crops. Testing the water for contaminants like bacteria, pesticides, and other harmful substances can ensure that the water is safe to use. Regular water quality testing can also identify any issues early on, allowing the rancher to take corrective action.

Ranch Services Consulting

Starting or running a ranch can be a challenging task, and ranch consulting services can be beneficial for those who are new to the industry or want to improve their ranch’s operations. Ranch consulting involves hiring experts, like us, who can provide valuable advice and guidance on various aspects of ranch management, from financial planning to strategic planning.

Marketing is another crucial part of ranch consulting if you are looking to make an income off your property. Effective marketing is necessary for selling products like beef, pork, and other livestock, as well as crops like hay and corn. Ranch consultants can help a rancher develop a marketing plan, identify target markets, and create effective marketing materials.

A well-designed strategic plan can help a landowner achieve their long-term goals by outlining the steps necessary to reach them. Strategic planning involves analyzing the current state of the ranch, identifying areas for improvement, and creating a roadmap for the future.


Hunting can provide additional revenue streams for the ranch, as well as recreational opportunities for guests.

One aspect of hunting services is hunting leases. Landowners can lease their land to hunters, who pay for the privilege of hunting on the property. Hunting leases can be an excellent way to generate revenue for a ranch, as well as manage the wildlife populations on the land.

Landowners need to manage the wildlife populations on their land to ensure that they are healthy and sustainable. Game management involves monitoring the populations of different species, implementing hunting plans, and creating habitats that support healthy wildlife populations.

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Understanding Wildlife Exemptions in Texas

If you’re a landowner in Texas, you may be interested in the wildlife exemption program. This program allows landowners to receive a property tax exemption for managing their land for wildlife habitat. However, there are certain qualifications and requirements that must be met to maintain exemption status. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about wildlife exemptions in Texas.

Wildlife Exemptions in Texas

What is a wildlife exemption?

A wildlife exemption is a program in Texas that allows landowners to receive a property tax exemption for managing their land for wildlife habitat. This program is designed to encourage landowners to maintain and improve wildlife habitat on their property. This can benefit both the environment and the landowner. To qualify for a wildlife exemption, landowners must meet certain requirements and maintain their property in accordance with the program guidelines.

Qualifying for wildlife exemptions in Texas:

To qualify for a wildlife exemption in Texas, landowners must meet certain requirements. First, the property must be used for agricultural, timber, or wildlife management purposes. Second, the property must be at least 10 acres in size. Or, at least five acres if located within the boundaries of a municipality. Third, the landowner must develop and implement a wildlife management plan that meets the program guidelines. This plan must be approved by a wildlife biologist or other qualified professional. Once approved, the landowner can apply for a wildlife exemption with their county appraisal district.

Maintaining your wildlife exemption status:

Once you have been approved for a wildlife exemption in Texas, it is important to maintain your status by continuing to meet the program requirements. This includes implementing and updating your wildlife management plan, keeping records of your management activities, and allowing periodic inspections by a wildlife biologist or other qualified professional. Failure to meet these requirements could result in the loss of your exemption status and potential penalties. It is important to stay informed and up-to-date on any changes to the program guidelines to ensure continued compliance.

Benefits of a wildlife exemption in Texas:

There are many benefits to obtaining a wildlife exemption in Texas. First and foremost, it can significantly reduce your property taxes. Landowners who qualify for a wildlife exemption are only taxed on the value of their land for agricultural purposes, rather than its market value. Additionally, the program encourages landowners to implement wildlife management practices that can improve the health and diversity of their land, as well as provide habitat for native wildlife species. Finally, a wildlife exemption can provide a sense of pride and satisfaction in knowing that you are contributing to the conservation of Texas’ natural resources.

Common mistakes to avoid when applying for a wildlife exemption:

Applying for a wildlife exemption in Texas can be a complex process, and there are several common mistakes that landowners should avoid. One of the most common mistakes is failing to provide adequate documentation of wildlife management practices. Landowners must demonstrate that they are actively managing their land for wildlife, which may include activities such as prescribed burning, brush management, and water development.

Another common mistake is failing to meet the minimum acreage requirements for the exemption. In most cases, landowners must have at least 20 acres of land to qualify for a wildlife exemption. Finally, it’s important to ensure that all required forms and documentation are submitted on time and in the correct format. Failure to do so can result in delays or even the denial of your exemption application.

Developing a Wildlife Management Plan:

To develop a wildlife management plan that meets program guidelines, landowners must consider the different types of wildlife management practices that qualify for the exemption. These practices include prescribed burning, brush management, and water development.

Prescribed burning is a technique that involves intentionally setting fires to a designated area of land. This technique is often used to promote the growth of native grasses and plants, which can provide food and shelter for wildlife species.

Brush management involves removing unwanted or invasive species of brush from a designated area of land. This can be done through mechanical means, such as mowing or shredding, or through chemical means, such as herbicide application.

Water development involves creating or enhancing water sources on a designated area of land. This can be done through the construction of ponds, tanks, or other water storage facilities.

The Role of a Wildlife Biologist or Consultant

A wildlife biologist or other qualified consultant plays a crucial role in the wildlife exemption program. They are responsible for approving the landowner’s wildlife management plan and conducting periodic inspections to ensure that the plan is being implemented and maintained in accordance with program guidelines.

{{Contact us today if you need assistance with your Texas Wildlife or Ag Exemption!}}

During the approval process, we will review the landowner’s wildlife management plan to ensure that it includes the appropriate types of wildlife management practices and is designed to provide habitat for a variety of wildlife species.

During periodic inspections, a wildlife biologist will visit the property to ensure that the landowner is implementing and maintaining the wildlife management plan in accordance with program guidelines. This may include reviewing records of management activities, checking the condition of water sources, and assessing the quality of habitat for wildlife species.

More FAQ’s regarding Wildlife Exemptions in Texas:

What is the minimum acreage for wildlife exemption in Texas?

In Texas, the minimum acreage required for a wildlife exemption is 5 acres. However, there are certain requirements that must be met in order to qualify for the exemption, such as having a wildlife management plan in place and meeting certain habitat requirements for native wildlife species.

How hard is it to get a wildlife exemption in Texas?

Getting a wildlife exemption in Texas can be a complex process that requires a lot of paperwork and documentation. It’s important to have a good understanding of the requirements and regulations to ensure a successful application.

What is required for a wildlife exemption in Texas?

To qualify for a wildlife exemption in Texas, you need to have a minimum of 10 acres of land and engage in activities that promote wildlife conservation. You must also have a wildlife management plan approved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Can you get an ag exemption on 5 acres in Texas?

Yes, you can get an ag exemption on 5 acres in Texas if the land is used for agriculture production and meets other requirements set by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.

How many animals do you need for an ag exemption in Texas?

There is no specific number of animals required for an ag exemption in Texas. However, you must meet the minimum requirements for agricultural production on your land, which vary depending on the type of livestock or crops.

What qualifies for wildlife exemption in Texas?

Activities that promote wildlife conservation, such as habitat management, predator control, and population surveys, qualify for a wildlife exemption in Texas. The land must also meet certain criteria, including having a wildlife management plan approved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Is there a wildlife tax exemption in Texas?

Yes, there is a wildlife tax exemption in Texas that allows landowners to reduce their property taxes by engaging in activities that promote wildlife conservation. This exemption is intended to incentivize landowners to manage their land in a way that benefits wildlife.

What animals qualify for tax exemption in Texas?

Several types of animals qualify for tax exemption in Texas, including cattle, sheep, goats, horses, and bees. However, the land must be used primarily for agricultural production and meet other requirements set by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts.

What are the wildlife exemption activities in Texas?

The wildlife exemption activities in Texas include habitat management, predator control, population surveys, and other activities that promote wildlife conservation. These activities must be part of a wildlife management plan approved by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

What is the difference between ag exemption and wildlife exemption in Texas?

The primary difference between an ag exemption and a wildlife exemption in Texas is that an ag exemption is based on agricultural production, while a wildlife exemption is based on wildlife conservation activities. Both exemptions allow landowners to reduce their property taxes.

What is the wildlife exemption form in Texas?

The wildlife exemption form in Texas is called the “Wildlife Management Plan.” This form is used to document the activities conducted on a property to support wildlife and their habitats. It includes information such as the number and types of animals on the property, habitat management practices, and annual reports.

What is the easiest ag exemption in Texas?

The easiest ag exemption in Texas is the 1-d-1 Open-Space Agricultural Appraisal. This exemption is available to landowners who use their property for agricultural purposes, such as cultivating crops or raising livestock. The property must be at least 10 acres in size and meet certain eligibility requirements. Once the property is approved for the exemption, it will be appraised at its agricultural value rather than its market value. This results in a lower property tax bill.

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